FIND Better Nature
Supercharge your day by supercharging your protein.
Find our high-protein and gut-friendly Organic Tempeh, Smoky Tempeh and Mediterranean Tempeh Pieces in selected Tesco and Asda stores across the country, as well as, and Ocado.
In London, you can also buy Better Nature from Planet Organic and Whole Foods Market stores.
Better Nature is in the chilled plant-based section. Also available online!
supercharge your protein
Power yourself with protein, fuel yourself with fibre, and give your gut a good boost with Better Nature. Tempeh (tem-pay) is an all-natural protein staple that's been eaten in Indonesia for 400 years. Made with fermented whole soya beans and water, it’s food that sends you soaring, not snoozing. Whether in a stir-fry, salad, sandwich or traybake, our supercharged protein gives you a similar amount of protein to chicken, more fibre than an apple and plenty of gut-friendly prebiotics.
Don't settle for so-so protein, choose supercharged.