our vision for
At Better Nature, we have big ambitions for tempeh.
We think it’s great as it is - extraordinary, in fact. How can a food so simple be so packed with goodness, so easy to cook with and so delicious?
Well, if you had a chat with our team of industry-leading tempeh scientists in Bogor, Indonesia they’d be able to tell you. They’d also be able to tell you about how they plan to make it even better.

Yes, you read that right. They have plans to make our tempeh even tastier, even more nutritious and to use it as the basis for healthier versions of everyday foods. Think all-natural, nutritionally-packed and delicious plant-based fish, plant-based milk and plant-based protein powder using tempeh. Incredible, right?
You may have heard us say tempeh is “not an alternative.” We stick by this: tempeh in itself is not an alternative. It’s a unique and special food that deserves to be known just as it is. If we could have the whole world celebrating and eating tempeh tomorrow, we would be thrilled.

But we know that’s not realistic (for now). So while we passionately spread the word on tempeh and create the most naturally delicious and nutritious tempeh products we can, we also want to find ways to get people eating more tempeh in ways that are familiar to them and to help them eat tempeh on as many different occasions as possible.
Because, fundamentally, the more people that are eating tempeh (in whatever format) the closer we are getting to our mission of helping people live healthier, happier and more sustainable lives. And that’s all that really matters.
If you have any questions on our vision for tempeh, please reach out to us at hello@betternaturetempeh.co. We’d love to hear from you.