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December 20, 2021
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November 7, 2023
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Better Nature
Better Nature
Better Nature
An assortment of all difficult colours of lupin beans.

Our favourite protein source, tempeh, is traditionally made with soybeans and it’s no secret that we love our soy tempeh, which is also our bestseller. Call us biased but that stuff is delicious! However, we’re equally fond of our lupin tempeh Lupin beans are so great that it’s very hard not to be a fan. In this post we’re going to dive into all things lupin: what it is, why it’s so great and what delicious dishes to make with lupin tempeh. Enjoy!

1. What the heck are lupin beans?

Lupin (or lupini) beans are a type of legume that come from the seeds of the lupinus genus of the popular flowering plants. Lupin beans are closely related to peas, chickpeas, soybeans, lentils and peanuts. (That’s right, despite the name peanuts aren’t nuts but legumes. Wild, right?). Lupin beans might be a quite new acquaintance for many of us but they’ve been a common snack in the Mediterranean region and in Latin America for a long time. It’s about time we embrace this nutritional powerhouse, too!

2. Lupin beans are great for ya! (Unless you have a peanut allergy.)

Lupin beans contain almost double the amount of protein as chickpeas, and more fibre than the integral hummus ingredient. (Side note: We also love chickpeas, who doesn’t?) What’s more, lupin beans contain prebiotic fibres that can promote the growth of good gut bacteria. As if that wasn’t plenty already, lupin beans also provide us with a good dose of minerals such as magnesium and potassium.

Lupin beans are awesome but, unfortunately, lupin may cause similar allergic reactions for those who have a peanut allergy. So, if you can’t eat peanuts, we recommend you steer clear of lupin beans, too. We’re so sorry to be the bearer of bad news!

3. Lupin beans - good for us, good for the planet

What is quite cool about lupin beans (and other pulses) is that according to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO):

"Through their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen and solubilize phosphorous, pulses naturally contribute to enriching soils with nutrients and increasing crop yields. This thereby reduces the need for synthetic fertilizers, which in turn reduces greenhouse gas emissions and lowers the risk of soil and water pollution.”

Oh lupin, we do love you!

A bit confused about legumes and pulses? We don’t blame you. Pulses are part of the legume family but the term “pulse” refers only to the dry edible seed within the pod. For instance, a pea pod is called a legume but the pea inside the pod is called pulse. Peanuts, soybeans, fresh beans and fresh peas are all legumes but they are not pulses (the seeds are not dry). Dry beans, dry peas, lentils and chickpeas, in turn, are all pulses that are part of the legume family.

4. Time for delicious lupin tempeh recipes!

Some of our favourite recipes that use our tasty, not to mention nutritious, lupin tempeh include:

  1. Tempeh Lasagne (made with our original tempeh)
  2. Tempeh Massaman Curry (made with our original tempeh)

We hope this post succeeded in converting you into hardcore lupin fans - we sure are ones. Happy cooking folks!

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